Sunday, December 20, 2015

Tech Article

These smart socks pause Netflix if you fall asleep

  • Netflix provided instructions to build socks that detect when you've dozed off and send a signal to your TV, automatically pausing your show
  • they did this so you don't have to wake up two seasons later wondering what happened
  • Building the electronics set-up is step two. 
  • This includes an accelerometer (to detect when feet have stopped moving), IR LEDs (to send a signal to the television) and a battery.
  • The electronics are then inserted into the socks. 
  • Netflix directs users to strap a pulse sensor to their toe.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Questions 12/16

  1. What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers?
You can add the information you want to save to a file or folder. 
  1. What have you learned from researching the above topics? What do you know now about those current events that you didn’t know before?
I learned he most current information and news about each topic. 
  1. What are other social bookmarking apps/websites?
  1. Will you continue to use social bookmarking?
Yes, it it useful. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Do Now 12/14

     If I was given an invisible cloak for one day to perform a good deed and become an unrecognized hero I would deliver presents to kids that can't get any on Christmas. There are many kids around the world who are fortunate enough to wake up to many presents on Christmas morning. However, some don't have family, homes, or other things that get in the way of gift receiving. I would go to a child homeless center without the cloak on, just to find out what one little toy the child would like to get. Then, Christmas Eve, I would put the cloak on and set the display of toys up that each child asked for.
   I think it is very important for every child to get the experience of a Christmas morning. Thinking that, I would continue the tradition of gift gifting every year after that, to make sure they are happy kids every year. I would also use the cloak to decorate the inside and outside of wherever they are staying with Christmas blow ups, lights, and many other things. Lastly, I would set up food for the whole place to have a special holiday meal. I would hope I would make a lot of people happy on the day I was given an invisible cloak.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Do Now 12/7

       The one class I would like to add to our curriculum that we don't already have is photography. I think photography is a fun activity students would enjoy doing. In addition, it would also teach new things. The class would meet every day as an elective, just like any other class we already have in the curriculum. They would meet every day to take pictures of things that inspire them, interst them, or just something they feel like taking a picture of.
      They would go in all sorts of enviroments inside and out of the school. Also, at differnt seasons, so the qualities of each season can be captured in a picture. It would be a small class, so each student can be provided with a high tech camera they dont have to share with a partner. The teacher would then take his or her class wherever they feel is the best place to take pictures at that moment. The students would print out the pictures the take, explain what was going on and why they chose to photograph it, and also give it a name. The photography class would make students feel like real photographers, and would help any child who wanted to work in that field in the future.


Friday, December 4, 2015

RSS Discussion Questions

Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
      They all seemed intersting and I liked to read articles on each site.

 Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?

Which sites were your favorites?
     The cheerleading and food sites were my favorite.

What else can you use RSS feeds for?
     To be updated on world events and news.

How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?
     Not likely, I can just watch the news. 

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Blog Posting 12/4

Earbud headphones that won't fall out of your ears

  • morphs into a tight-fitting earbud in 60 seconds
  • let buyers decide if they want to wear the the cords over their ears or under
  • smartphone app syncs to the headphones via Bluetooth
  • they'll retail for $299 when they arrive in stores

revols headphones 1

Monday, November 30, 2015

Do Now 11/30

      I am most grateful and thankful for my parents. They sacrifice a lot to do whatever my siblings and I ask for them. They are both there for me whenever I need them. I know I can come to them at any time of day if I need them. They push me to do things I think I can't, they don't judge me, and they guide me through life. They have made my sixteen years of life very special, and I am blessed to have them.
     I am also thankful for my sister. She drives me around everywhere and does most of the things I ask. We are together at every minute of the day, even cheering. I know whenever I have problems can talk to her at any time. Her advice is very good and she can make me happy when I am upset. I am going to miss her at collage next year.
    I am also thankful for my brother Luke. We may fight a lot , but we also get along. When we get along we usually laugh for a long time. He is very mature for his age and I can tell him almost anything. I am very lucky to have him.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Blog Post 11/20


  • Apple Watch buyers wealthy enough to buy the $15,000 Edition version were lucky enough to have a jewelry case-style charging dock included with their purchase.
  • The rest of the Apple Watch owners had to settle for an undignified magnetic USB charging cable
  • But now, the new Apple Watch Magnetic Charging Dock went on sale today on Apple's website for the relatively steep price of $79.
  • Apple’s kept it simple with a white bubble-like platform with an inductive charger in the center.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

W-R Wikipedia Page Findings

  1. Dr. Sue DeNobile is not the principal anymore.
  2. Black is no longer one of our school colors.
  3. We no longer have a golf team.
  4. There is no longer 279 students in grades 10-12. 
  5. Cheering did not win Americheer International Grand Champions in 2015. 
  6. No longer just called Wood-Ridge High School
  7. Grades are now 7th-12th.
  8. The picture is outdated.
  9. Our enrollment has changed.
  10. We no longer have Devils Advocate. 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Do Now 11/9

      During the break, I did not do much. Mostly, I just cheered. I had double sessions every day of the break from 9 o'clock to 2 o'clock. We got a lot accomplished but I was very tired the rest of each day. The only day I didn't have practice, I had to cheer for the football game. However, we lost. I had to wake up early on every day, and didn't get to sleep in at all.
      Whenever I had spare time, I usually went to eat. I went to the  GSP mall and had food and ice cream with my friends. Also, I went to my friend Kristin's house and ordered food from Red Bowl. Lastly, I drove around with my sister and picked up some friends. In conclusion, it was not the most exciting weekend for me.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Amazon is opening its first physical bookstore today

  • Amazon is opening a store in Seattle called Amazon Books
  • is it one of Amazon's first physical locations and first physical bookstore
  •  it'll be relying on data — including customer ratings, sales totals, and Goodread's popularity — to decide which books to stock
  • Amazon is also going to be putting its devices on display
  • In-store prices will all match online prices
  • will be open seven days a week, except for holidays

Monday, November 2, 2015

Do Now 11/2

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

While using technology, copyright and “fair use” is involved in every project. Copyright is a United States federal law that protects original “works of authorship”. It includes literary, written, dramatic, artistic, musical, etc. All content is copyrighted immediately and does not require filing paperwork.When something is copyrighted, you have four exclusive rights. Reproduce the copyrighted work, display the copyrighted work publicly, prepare derivative works based on the copyrighted work, and distribute copies of the copyrighted work to the public by sale, rental or lending, and/or to display the image.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog Post 10/30

Nintendo goes mobile -- not with Mario, but 'Miitomo'

  • Nintendo finally announced its first-ever smartphone app called "Mitomo."

  • lets people create their own video game characters and interact with other players' avatars.
  • The game mimics a social network
  •  promises a "secure and welcoming" environment for communicating with old friends, and making new ones.
  • Miitomo will release in March of next year.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Hendo Hoverboard

This is the new version of the Hendo hoverboard

  • The  Hendo hoverboard has a better battery life, USB connectivity, stronger hover engines, and a safety kill switch.
  • Its looks more rideable than the big, plastic version tried last year.
  •  It has a real skateboard deck this time around, grip tape and all.
  • It supposedly let riders shift their weight much like you would on a real skateboard.

  • This new hoverboard will be making its way to the Kickstarter backers who pledged $10,000 to the company last year.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Do Now 10/19

Google Forms can help students and other people in many different ways. It can help you create surveys and find out different opinions of what the survey is about. Also, it can also help you find data for people's answers. Lastly, it can make you challenge yourself by thinking about each question carefully.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The 17-Year-Old Who Makes Walking Safer

  • Mary Hood was worried that her 85-year-old grandmother, who has a cane, could fall and get hurt.
  • She developed a smart cane that vibrates in its users' hands when it detects near obstacles.
  • It also has a flashlight, pulse monitor, and smartphone-connected medication reminder. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Toyota Promises Driverless Cars On Roads By 2020

  • A modified Lexus GS, was tested on Tokyo's Shuto Expressway, where it carried out a range of automated man oeuvres.
  • It included merging into highways, changing lanes, and keeping inter-vehicular distance.
  • The car uses multiple external sensors to recognize nearby vehicles and hazards, and also selects appropriate routes depending on where its going.
  • It automatically operates the steering wheel, accelerator, and brakes to drive in much the same way as a person would. 
  • The car can only be operated in the more straightforward driving conditions of a main road.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

This Ring Vibrates When Uber Arrives

  • Christina Mercando d’Avignon is the founder of the new smart jewelry startup called Ringly.
  • The ring connects to the Ringly app where women can customize which phone calls, texts and app alerts filter through to the ring.
  • They can be notified by vibrations from the ring or it lighting up.
  • So far, Ringly has raised 6.1 million.
  • The device connects to 50 apps including Uber, Tinder, and eBay.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Best Improvements in iOS 9

  •  Easier App Switching- when you launch the App Switcher, it opens apps to the left in a carousel-like view, which you can flip through until you find the app that you want.

  •  Battery Saver- warnings pop up when your losing battery, and it lets you switch to Low Power Mode.

  •  A More Conversational Siri- Siri can now bring up photos keyed to specific times and places

  •  Better Navigation Via Back Buttons- a handy software-based Back is available in certain situations

  •  A Place for Your Selfies-iOS 9's photo app will create a special place for them; a Selfie Album

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

      This year, I am taking U.S. history honors with Mrs.Gaven. She has been a teacher here for awhile now, and enjoys U.S. presidents and basketball. She attends games with her husband, and was even interviewed on television one time. When I first arrived in the class, I expected to learn the same things in history every year. For example, the presidents and states, etc. However, it is only the third week into school and I learned many useful things and new websites to use.
     Mrs. Gaven uses 45%  for summative assessments, 65% for tests and 35% DBQ Essays, 45% for performance based assessments, 20% in class assessments and 80 % from projects, and 10% classwork (including participation) and homework. We are expected to be prepared and ready to learn. An interesting aspect is when we use google classroom for projects. The whole class can edit one page and we can all help each other. We regularly use computers to work with everyone in the class, including Mrs. Gaven. 
       I expect to have a good, but busy time throughout the year. All that is asked of us is to be on time, be prepared for class, bring binders, make sure your punctual with homework, and be respectful. Those are things we have been taught for years now, so it shouldn't be too hard. Mrs. Gaven is also nice enough to offer extra help after school at any time.