Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

      This year, I am taking U.S. history honors with Mrs.Gaven. She has been a teacher here for awhile now, and enjoys U.S. presidents and basketball. She attends games with her husband, and was even interviewed on television one time. When I first arrived in the class, I expected to learn the same things in history every year. For example, the presidents and states, etc. However, it is only the third week into school and I learned many useful things and new websites to use.
     Mrs. Gaven uses 45%  for summative assessments, 65% for tests and 35% DBQ Essays, 45% for performance based assessments, 20% in class assessments and 80 % from projects, and 10% classwork (including participation) and homework. We are expected to be prepared and ready to learn. An interesting aspect is when we use google classroom for projects. The whole class can edit one page and we can all help each other. We regularly use computers to work with everyone in the class, including Mrs. Gaven. 
       I expect to have a good, but busy time throughout the year. All that is asked of us is to be on time, be prepared for class, bring binders, make sure your punctual with homework, and be respectful. Those are things we have been taught for years now, so it shouldn't be too hard. Mrs. Gaven is also nice enough to offer extra help after school at any time. 




  1. i would like learning about basketball and U.S presidents in ms.gavensclass too!

  2. I've never Ms.Gaven as a teacher, but after reading your post she sounds awesome! :)

  3. This is cool. I like her, here is a picture of the presidents to help you out.https://www.google.com/search?q=presidents+of+us&espv=2&biw=1517&bih=714&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAmoVChMIt6iaw5CQyAIVzHg-Ch0wTA4a&dpr=0.9#imgrc=YHPDz-dOzjWLxM%3A
